Get Rid of the Glare on Your TV

Jul 9th 2021 Staff

Unless you’re watching a feature length film, you most likely don’t have the lights off when you’re watching TV. If you have one central fixture in your home theater or family room, there’s a large possibility that your TV reflects the light from that fixture. This can greatly diminish picture quality, as well as your enjoyment while watching TV. If you decide to turn off the lights to reduce or eliminate glare, you could end up with tired eyes before your show or movie is over. At Accent Lighting in Wichita, we can help you find fixtures that properly light your TV area without creating glare on the screen.

What Causes Glare?

Most flat screen TVs on the market today have glossy screens that will mirror any light in the room (both artificial and natural). This can create a bright spot in one area of the screen, and unless you’re sitting in just the right spot, decrease your picture quality. There are matte screen TVs that don’t reflect light, but instead spread the light across the screen, which can affect the TV’s black level (how true and dark the black of the screen is supposed to be).

Fixing the Problem

If your TV is mounted on the wall, it might be possible to pivot it to avoid the glare from a ceiling fixture or lamp. However, this will often mean you’ll have to reposition your chair or couch to get the best viewing angle. Another option is to employ a method known as “bias light,” which involves placing light behind the screen. Recessed lighting above or ambient lighting behind the screen will increase the level of light in the room, and of course there will be no glare on the screen. There are specific bias light fixtures for home entertainment areas, but you can also use your current home lighting to create the same effect. Lights behind, above, and to the side of your screen can reduce glare and protect against eye fatigue, since there will be more light than what’s coming from the TV.

Once you’ve added new ambient or bias lighting (and perhaps removed the central fixture that caused the glare in the first place), you may have to adjust the brightness or backlight settings on your TV. It’s also important to think about when you’ll be watching TV most often – in the evening, on the weekend – and what sort of natural or artificial light will be present in the room. If you’re watching TV after sunset, you won’t have to worry about shutting the blinds, and if you’ll have the screen on when the sun is shining, make sure the TV isn’t facing a large window.

The experts at Accent Lighting can answer all of your questions regarding home theater lighting, living room fixtures, and more. If you’re always changing seats, moving the TV, or adjusting your screen settings, come to our showroom and find the best fixture options. You won’t have to worry about screen glare any longer!

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